Aspiration Expectation and Inspiration: Working with Looked After Children
Green Fingers held a stall at a conference for Worcestershire schools on 13th February at Worcester Rugby Football Club. The conference was to raise awareness of working with Looked After Children and we were there to help promote the health and wellbeing of Looked after, Adopted and Kinship children and young people and care leavers. Young people who attend Green Fingers sessions, Arts, Music and Educational Mentoring sessions were able to have their work displayed at the conference and it looked awesome. Our stall was definitely the most colourful and interesting (no surprise there!) and it got a lot of positive attention and comments. Everyone was so impressed by the work the young people produce whilst attending Green Fingers sessions. We also played ‘The Bad Habits” music video and it was and it was so rewarding for teachers and other professionals to see the young people they know achieving so much and having a great time. One of our sessional workers also performed and gave a talk about her personal experiences; she has a fantastic voice and can play the ukulele beautifully! It was a nice morning and even nicer being able to show off the talents our young people have.