We have produced a 2016 calendar displaying information of just some of what the Green Fingers Project has to offer. If you would like one please email greenfingers@worcestershire.gov.uk and we will post one out to you. We also have a healthy eating calendar we produced for 2015 and we have some left with recipes and […]
Read more »We celebrated the end of the year with an end of term show and tell event. The music and arts groups came together to display their art work and share their songs. At the end of the session the young people and their carers wrote and recorded a Christmas song. We also had a mini […]
Read more »We held a Christmas sale at the Pines to generate funds for the project. The young people on the Green Fingers and arts sessions helped to make the items we sold, including, Christmas decorations, seasonal cards, Christmas wreaths, homemade jams and cakes and more. We made over £400 to go back into the project, which […]
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