We worked with over 519 young people and 296 carers in the first 5 years of the project from 2010 – 2015. In addition 416 young people and 247 carers access the project in the second round of funding from 2015. Highlights of the project include:
• Launched the Project in July 2010 as part of Looked After Children Fun Day
• Carried out Deadcatdreaming facilitation & consultation report
• Delivered various taster Green Fingers and arts sessions
• Hosted a Halloween event at Top Barn for young people and carers
• Organised pantomime trips for the young people involved with the project as part of their Arts Award
• Developed the site at Top Barn and converted an artic lorry into an amazing tree house
• Produced healthy living calendar as a result of the young people’s ideas in the Deadcatdreaming report to inform young people and carers about healthy lifestyles. The images from the report were combined with healthy living information about what to plant, harvest and make throughout the year.
• Delivered Arts Award Assessor training and health training for foster carers
• Delivered Top Barn therapeutic gardening sessions & arts programme – incorporating the Arts Award.
• Worked in partnership with one of our Children’s Home and their young people to produce a fabulous 10m sensory Jack and the Beanstalk mural in their reception area.
• Produced a short, paper craft animation by the young people involved in the therapeutic gardening. The film explains the aims of the project and the thoughts and feelings of those involved. The animation and two podcasts about the tree house and project can be seen on the Arts Extend website or follow the link below.