‘The Bad Habits’ Debut Music Video
The Green Fingers music group – The Bad Habits have made their first ever music video. With help from our resident musician Dan White house and a Film Maker Scott Johnston we were able to plan and film two music videos in one evening! The videos were filmed at the County Hall and so we were able to utilise the space to create narrative in the video to the song ‘Face Your Fears’ about bullying. The group wrote this song for Anti-Bullying Week. The young people worked really hard and it was a long and tiring session, but everyone was so excited and to see the end result you know it was worth all the hard work. It was lovely to see the young people brimming with confidence and being supportive to one another, it is safe to say that without their full cooperation, the two music videos would not have been able to have been filmed in only three hours! So a BIG well done to The Bad Habits! The video was shown at a conference and it was so rewarding for teachers and other professionals to see the young people they know achieving so much and having a great time.