30 Days Wild!
Green Fingers are taking part in The Wildlife Trusts’ 30 Days Wild! By taking photos and documenting the wildlife and signs of late spring and early summer we can find throughout June. We are lucky that our Green Fingers site is naturally wild! With the help of our young people, we have already documented so much wildlife activity through bug hunting, camera traps, footprint traps, looking at signs of wildlife and just by being on site we get to see a lot of different animals. Such as muntjac deer, deer, hares, rabbit, pheasant, mice, voles, all kinds of birds, bugs and grubs, frogs, toads, newts and more. Due to the COVID 19 pandemic we are un able to re-open our doors at this time, but we have been on site for short amounts of time, social distancing and with other measures in place etc, so we have been able to record and show you what wildlife has been around on site so far. So hopefully you guys won’t be missing out on too much!
Here is our first documented 10.
1 –Small lady bird
2 –Cricket
3 – Tiny toad
4 – Scarlet tiger moth
5 – Azure Damselfly
6 – Blue tailed damselfly
7 – Bumble bee
8 – Baby spiders
9 – Nursery web spider
10 – Grass snake