Everyone local to the River Severn will already know how much damage the floods have done so far. During the half term our Green Fingers site had flooding the worst we have seen it yet. The water came up from the river, flooded the farmers’ fields and tracks and made its way up into our polytunnel and allotment. It showed no signs of receding, so we had to cancel our sessions until further notice on site. Taking each day at a time we were hopeful we would be able to clear away the debris and be back in business by mid-week. Unfortunately, now the water levels have risen again, and it is worse than before! The water is lapping at our tree house walkway, the allotment and the young people’s plots now look like ponds, and our apple tree orchard is swimming in yucky flood water. We will keep posted the development of our site. But until then stay safe in this drizzly weather!