As part of a new STEM (Science, technology, engineering and Maths) Minecraft project, Green Fingers have teamed up with Dr Laura Hobbs who is a volcanologist and works for Lancaster University’s Science Hunters Outreach Team to deliver Minecraft projects based on various sciences. So far we have looked at volcanoes and rocks, bioluminescence, coral reefs and under the microscope. The young people learnt all about the sciences via presentations, actual rocks from volcanoes, videos, testing various objects under the microscope and more. They then use Minecraft to create 3D versions of what they had been learning about! All the projects so far have been successful and the young people enjoyed using Minecraft educationally. Some young people were using Minecraft for the first time and picked up the controls very quickly!
Laura also delivered the bioluminescent and volcanoes workshop on some of our Educational Mentoring sessions and the young people thoroughly enjoyed using Minecraft as a tool for learning.
Look out for more Minecraft projects up and coming in the future.