Wildlife Galore
In June at Green Fingers we had a month of bug hunting! We documented bugs we found and where on our site, we used some new equipment and here is what a young person wrote after.
“In June at Green Fingers we went bug hunting. We used Bugnoculars, bug pots with magnifiers, pooters, Sweep Nests and ID sheets
I didn’t like the pooters as you had to suck the bug through a straw! I was afraid of eating it; but you can’t because of the mesh.
We caught a swollen thighed beetle, black and yellow long horned beetle, wasp beetles, toads, frogs, snails, grass hoppers and we even managed to catch a damsel fly!
At Green Fingers we have a pond and we have loads of little toads hopping about and the odd frog, we all have to tread very carefully!
When we are working outside and a bug lands on you, the staff will explain what it is and there are books to look up and learn about the wildlife.
I asked some of the people what they liked about the activity.
“My favourite part was sucking up the bugs in the pooters!”
“I liked wearing the fly glasses but they made me feel dizzy” “
Article written by E aged 14
At Green Fingers we will keep an eye on the bugs over the coming autumn and winter months and continue to document and research what we find.